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My Internet Marketing Journey Internet Marketing : How I did it, and how you can do it too.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
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Thursday, January 21, 2010
FREE! Exclusive Access to Home Business that will take you on the ride of your life!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Need A Job.Work From Home.Go To My Movie Now.Find Out How I Quite My Job In 9 Months
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
FREE! Exclusive Access to Home Business that will take you on the ride of your life!
Miss out on the "DOT" com Race? Then get READY for the RIDE of your life!-Your Internet Address For Life
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Make Money From Home Working In 8 to 10 Hours A Week
Make Money From Home Working In 8 to 10 Hours A Week
Author: Derek Jamieson
I was asked to ponder this question recently and give my honest answer. It is an interesting question…and probably one asked quite a bit, perhaps not out loud, but certainly it has been internally poised to tens of thousands of network marketers who live a busy life, have a full-time job, family, obligations, etc. who are trying to start a home business all at the same time, with very limited hours. When I was asked to answer this question, my first answer came up immediately. I thought to myself, “Of course they can!" I did it! I’ve seen lots of other people do it. Viola! There’s your answer and the end of this article. Then... I realized (I’m a little slow sometimes), that I was asked to write an article about it, not just answer the question. That got me thinking. What can I share with you about my personal experience as a part-time network marketer that you might be able to use in your life to go from part-time income and a full-time job to a full-time network marketing income and a joyous walk to your boss’s office saying, “Thank you sir or madam, this is the last day I’ll be working in this job!" So... short answer. Yes... A part-timer can make it working 8 to 10 hours a week. Before I go into the details of how to guarantee you make money working such part-time hours, at what point should you not bother at all doing network marketing? In other words, does there come a point where the amount of time you put in weekly creates a situation where there are no favorable returns on your minimal time invested? Really... if you want to escape the rat race, your job, corporate America, whatever your objective for being self-employed, any time in is good time in. However, you must accept and come to the realization that if you are putting in extremely few hours each week that it may take quite a bit more time to create a decent check. First of all…if you want to make it in this business, put in as many hours as you can each week. Set time aside to do the business. The most important element is how CONSISTENT you are each week, regardless of how many hours you put in. Yes…putting time in is critically important. But, being consistent in your time carries heavier weight. Think about it. We are in the business of interacting with other human beings. Humans thrive on consistency. You showing consistency, even in very few hours demonstrate professionalism and can be a significant and incredibly magnetic factor in attracting people to you. The ultimate weight of importance is on the “what you do during those hours" side of the business. Time in is important, consistency is important. However, if you are consistently doing nothing during the time you put in, or consistently are doing things that don’t matter during that time, you will never make it. Production is all that matters. Be sure to keep self-checking and ensure that you are on track. A Simple Game Plan to Guarantee your Success Working Less than 10 Hours a Week! If you are part of the great majority of people who join network marketing and spend on average only about 10 hours a week in your business, you will appreciate what I am about to share with you. I was personally able to generate nearly a six-figure income working my business very part time. In fact, I averaged about 10 to 15 hours a week, never working more than 15 hours in any given week during my tenure as a part time home business professional. I simply didn’t have any more free time than that. So…I worked with what I had and maximized my results during the time I put in. Did you catch that? If you are going to make it in nominal hours, max it out. I worked at an absolutely feverish pace during the hours I put in. There was no time for slacking, no time for being slow, not time for messing around. It was production, production, production, and nothing else. In other words, prospecting was all I did. The best news is that because of the habits I started as a part timer, I was able to quickly get my income into multiple six-figure status as a full-timer. Here’s the next part of this lesson. I knew I didn’t have much time, so I simply didn’t worry about dealing with or messing around with things that weren’t of critical importance. You can’t major in the minors when you are limited in time. And…you simply can’t major in the minor things if you want to be successful in general. I never arranged my leads, and my desk was a mess. But…I knew where everything was. You should have seen the amount of dust on my shelves. I was too busy working in my office to ever clean it. I figured that there would be plenty of time to have a maid clean up my office when I made it big. The funny thing is that even to this day, my office isn’t the cleanest in the world. When my house cleaner comes over, I rarely leave my office to let her come in and clean it. I am still too focused on producing. My Simple Secret to Part-Time Success! I helped a friend of mine get to over $10,000 a month in less than 12 months working out of his car! I’ve always been good at this. It’s called walking and chewing gum at the same time. You must maximize your “dead time". These are all the times during the day that you could be prospecting and focusing on your business, but you’re not because you aren’t realizing those golden opportunities. You are allowing simple opportunities to pass you by. This happens in two ways for most. Either a) They simply let key opportunities to prospect people they meet by ignoring the signs or taking advantage of those fortuitous circumstances, or b) They simply do nothing at all when they could be doing something, even if it means a 3-minute call to a prospect while you are pumping your gas. Everyone has down time or dead time that could turn into production time. I was an absolute mad man when I was part time. Every opportunity between meetings, at lunch, while getting dressed for work in the morning, on my drive to the gym, while waiting in line at the post office, whatever the opportunity, I seized it. Start realizing you’ve got golden opportunities each and every day that simply are impossible to get back. A minute ago is gone and never to be seen or capitalized on again. You have to capitalize and seize the minutes as they come. The other thing I did was plan. I didn’t have time to be shuffling for leads and twiddling my fingers. Every night before I went to work, I assembled my plan for prospecting in my part time network marketing business the next day. I printed out all of my leads and calls I needed to make for that day and printed it on a single sheet of paper. I had them at my fingertips and it made it easy for me to make things happen. If you want to make it part time, you have to plan on making it part time. Communicate to your leaders. My sponsors knew I was serious and they knew that I was going to be calling them (regularly) for 3-way support calls. Why? I told them I was going to be calling. I found out what their schedule was and made sure that I took advantage of golden opportunities to get leaders on with my prospects. I’m no dummy. When I don’t know something, I leverage myself by hooking up with people who DO know something so I can learn it. I had no idea how to close…none. It was the hundreds and hundreds of 3-ways I did that taught me the art of closing in network marketing. You’ve got to be a student if you are going to be a superstar in this business. I Knew I Would Make a Fortune the Moment I Saw Network Marketing for the Very First Time Does that sound too good to be true? It’s the truth…and boy, it has been good! Don’t you hate that statement? If it sounds too good to be true, and those words are coming out of your mouth, you’re probably a broke skeptic. I never bought into that ridiculous statement. I just made 50% on a recent real estate deal I did, and my mom caught word of it. What did she say? “You know Todd. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." I had to grow up with the same stuff many of you did. Broke thoughts, broke mentality, lack, lack, lack. I broke through the lack with one simple thing: Decision Making. You see, the reason in knew I would make a fortune in network marketing wasn’t because I knew a darn thing about it, because I knew absolutely nothing. It was because I know that when I make a decision to do something, I do it. One of your greatest assets in your ability to make it part time may simply be your ability to make a firm decision. You have a choice. You can make it in this business, or let this business break you. It is literally that simple. You either say yes to success or you don’t say anything. Not making a decision will allow someone else to make a decision for you and I can guarantee you that they will have entirely different plans for you. Take note of the things I am saying. Yes... you absolutely CAN make it working very part time in this business, but you have to follow the path of other people who have gone before you in the field. You deserve success... but you have to work to get the success! Please visit Derek Jamieson blog for more information
Article Source:
About the Author:
I struggled for YEARS trying to figure out how to succeed in the MLM/Network Marketing Industry. I was chasing friends and family, cold-calling strangers, buying leads, and getting rejected EVERY DAY, and it finally took it’s toll on me. So, one day, I just gave up and stopped trying. I was a complete failure and didn’t have a clue as to what went wrong. But I decided to pick it back up because I really believed in the potential of the MLM/Netowrk Marketing Industry, even though I didn’t exactly know what I was doing wrong. That’s when the light came on for me, and I finally realized what my REAL problem was: I wasn’t “marketing” the business! I was actually network “convincing” and network “prospecting,” not network “marketing.” LOL. Once I figured out the REAL problem, my business turned around almost overnight. That why I'm here to help and training others who have struggled in network marketers
Author: Derek Jamieson
I was asked to ponder this question recently and give my honest answer. It is an interesting question…and probably one asked quite a bit, perhaps not out loud, but certainly it has been internally poised to tens of thousands of network marketers who live a busy life, have a full-time job, family, obligations, etc. who are trying to start a home business all at the same time, with very limited hours. When I was asked to answer this question, my first answer came up immediately. I thought to myself, “Of course they can!" I did it! I’ve seen lots of other people do it. Viola! There’s your answer and the end of this article. Then... I realized (I’m a little slow sometimes), that I was asked to write an article about it, not just answer the question. That got me thinking. What can I share with you about my personal experience as a part-time network marketer that you might be able to use in your life to go from part-time income and a full-time job to a full-time network marketing income and a joyous walk to your boss’s office saying, “Thank you sir or madam, this is the last day I’ll be working in this job!" So... short answer. Yes... A part-timer can make it working 8 to 10 hours a week. Before I go into the details of how to guarantee you make money working such part-time hours, at what point should you not bother at all doing network marketing? In other words, does there come a point where the amount of time you put in weekly creates a situation where there are no favorable returns on your minimal time invested? Really... if you want to escape the rat race, your job, corporate America, whatever your objective for being self-employed, any time in is good time in. However, you must accept and come to the realization that if you are putting in extremely few hours each week that it may take quite a bit more time to create a decent check. First of all…if you want to make it in this business, put in as many hours as you can each week. Set time aside to do the business. The most important element is how CONSISTENT you are each week, regardless of how many hours you put in. Yes…putting time in is critically important. But, being consistent in your time carries heavier weight. Think about it. We are in the business of interacting with other human beings. Humans thrive on consistency. You showing consistency, even in very few hours demonstrate professionalism and can be a significant and incredibly magnetic factor in attracting people to you. The ultimate weight of importance is on the “what you do during those hours" side of the business. Time in is important, consistency is important. However, if you are consistently doing nothing during the time you put in, or consistently are doing things that don’t matter during that time, you will never make it. Production is all that matters. Be sure to keep self-checking and ensure that you are on track. A Simple Game Plan to Guarantee your Success Working Less than 10 Hours a Week! If you are part of the great majority of people who join network marketing and spend on average only about 10 hours a week in your business, you will appreciate what I am about to share with you. I was personally able to generate nearly a six-figure income working my business very part time. In fact, I averaged about 10 to 15 hours a week, never working more than 15 hours in any given week during my tenure as a part time home business professional. I simply didn’t have any more free time than that. So…I worked with what I had and maximized my results during the time I put in. Did you catch that? If you are going to make it in nominal hours, max it out. I worked at an absolutely feverish pace during the hours I put in. There was no time for slacking, no time for being slow, not time for messing around. It was production, production, production, and nothing else. In other words, prospecting was all I did. The best news is that because of the habits I started as a part timer, I was able to quickly get my income into multiple six-figure status as a full-timer. Here’s the next part of this lesson. I knew I didn’t have much time, so I simply didn’t worry about dealing with or messing around with things that weren’t of critical importance. You can’t major in the minors when you are limited in time. And…you simply can’t major in the minor things if you want to be successful in general. I never arranged my leads, and my desk was a mess. But…I knew where everything was. You should have seen the amount of dust on my shelves. I was too busy working in my office to ever clean it. I figured that there would be plenty of time to have a maid clean up my office when I made it big. The funny thing is that even to this day, my office isn’t the cleanest in the world. When my house cleaner comes over, I rarely leave my office to let her come in and clean it. I am still too focused on producing. My Simple Secret to Part-Time Success! I helped a friend of mine get to over $10,000 a month in less than 12 months working out of his car! I’ve always been good at this. It’s called walking and chewing gum at the same time. You must maximize your “dead time". These are all the times during the day that you could be prospecting and focusing on your business, but you’re not because you aren’t realizing those golden opportunities. You are allowing simple opportunities to pass you by. This happens in two ways for most. Either a) They simply let key opportunities to prospect people they meet by ignoring the signs or taking advantage of those fortuitous circumstances, or b) They simply do nothing at all when they could be doing something, even if it means a 3-minute call to a prospect while you are pumping your gas. Everyone has down time or dead time that could turn into production time. I was an absolute mad man when I was part time. Every opportunity between meetings, at lunch, while getting dressed for work in the morning, on my drive to the gym, while waiting in line at the post office, whatever the opportunity, I seized it. Start realizing you’ve got golden opportunities each and every day that simply are impossible to get back. A minute ago is gone and never to be seen or capitalized on again. You have to capitalize and seize the minutes as they come. The other thing I did was plan. I didn’t have time to be shuffling for leads and twiddling my fingers. Every night before I went to work, I assembled my plan for prospecting in my part time network marketing business the next day. I printed out all of my leads and calls I needed to make for that day and printed it on a single sheet of paper. I had them at my fingertips and it made it easy for me to make things happen. If you want to make it part time, you have to plan on making it part time. Communicate to your leaders. My sponsors knew I was serious and they knew that I was going to be calling them (regularly) for 3-way support calls. Why? I told them I was going to be calling. I found out what their schedule was and made sure that I took advantage of golden opportunities to get leaders on with my prospects. I’m no dummy. When I don’t know something, I leverage myself by hooking up with people who DO know something so I can learn it. I had no idea how to close…none. It was the hundreds and hundreds of 3-ways I did that taught me the art of closing in network marketing. You’ve got to be a student if you are going to be a superstar in this business. I Knew I Would Make a Fortune the Moment I Saw Network Marketing for the Very First Time Does that sound too good to be true? It’s the truth…and boy, it has been good! Don’t you hate that statement? If it sounds too good to be true, and those words are coming out of your mouth, you’re probably a broke skeptic. I never bought into that ridiculous statement. I just made 50% on a recent real estate deal I did, and my mom caught word of it. What did she say? “You know Todd. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." I had to grow up with the same stuff many of you did. Broke thoughts, broke mentality, lack, lack, lack. I broke through the lack with one simple thing: Decision Making. You see, the reason in knew I would make a fortune in network marketing wasn’t because I knew a darn thing about it, because I knew absolutely nothing. It was because I know that when I make a decision to do something, I do it. One of your greatest assets in your ability to make it part time may simply be your ability to make a firm decision. You have a choice. You can make it in this business, or let this business break you. It is literally that simple. You either say yes to success or you don’t say anything. Not making a decision will allow someone else to make a decision for you and I can guarantee you that they will have entirely different plans for you. Take note of the things I am saying. Yes... you absolutely CAN make it working very part time in this business, but you have to follow the path of other people who have gone before you in the field. You deserve success... but you have to work to get the success! Please visit Derek Jamieson blog for more information
Article Source:
About the Author:
I struggled for YEARS trying to figure out how to succeed in the MLM/Network Marketing Industry. I was chasing friends and family, cold-calling strangers, buying leads, and getting rejected EVERY DAY, and it finally took it’s toll on me. So, one day, I just gave up and stopped trying. I was a complete failure and didn’t have a clue as to what went wrong. But I decided to pick it back up because I really believed in the potential of the MLM/Netowrk Marketing Industry, even though I didn’t exactly know what I was doing wrong. That’s when the light came on for me, and I finally realized what my REAL problem was: I wasn’t “marketing” the business! I was actually network “convincing” and network “prospecting,” not network “marketing.” LOL. Once I figured out the REAL problem, my business turned around almost overnight. That why I'm here to help and training others who have struggled in network marketers
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Miss out on the "DOT" com Race? Then get READY for the RIDE of your life!-Your Internet Address For Life
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Miss out on the "DOT" com Race? Then get READY for the RIDE of your life!-Your Internet Address For Life!
FREE! Exclusive Access to Home Business that will take you on the ride of your life!
I will PAY you way in and Put 6 people under to start you off for FREE offer END 12pm
I will PAY you way in and Put 6 people under to start you off for FREE offer END 12pm
I will PAY you way in and Put 6 people under to start you off for FREE
I will PAY you way in and Put 6 people under to start you off for FREE
How to Successfully Build an MLM Online Ethically!
Here is my experience with MLM / Network Marketing!
I have been an entrepreneur my whole life, but I really realized it a few years ago. I have run many businesses in my life, some successful, some not. I have enjoyed running each and every one for different reasons and I have learned from them all. However, my real passion is music. I have been lucky enough to have performed hundreds of times in the Ottawa area and I am currently hosting a weekly Open Stage and I am still performing regular gigs. I am grateful that I can work a flexible schedule in order to be able to follow my bliss.
I work primarily online and I promote affiliate programs, as well as Network Marketing products and businesses. I have only recently been able to figure out how to successfully run a Network Marketing, or MLM, business (almost) completely online. It is certainly a precise art, but I have actually gotten more than one Attraction Marketing systems recruiting distributors without prior contact with the prospect. I do occasionally take phone calls if prospects have questions, but most of the communication happens once the distributor has enrolled in my business. I recently recruited an overseas distributor with extensive prior experience in MLM. He had already recruited 2 new distributors before I had a chance to speak with him on the phone. Once the new person is recruited and they indicate that they are seriously interested in working a Network Marketing business, I teach them my Attraction Marketing strategies. If they are interested in pursuing "traditional" network marketing practices (ie: Face to Face), I have knowledge of that as well, from my 5 years of experience in the industry. Although it is of course very important to connect these new distributors to a strong leader within my upline organization. There are many different ways to find people to talk to, and there are some very strong leaders that can help you implement whatever Lead Generation strategy suits you best. As I continue tailoring my Attraction Marketing system, and I continue to focus on recruiting and selling products online.
And there you have it.
This is not easy by any stretch of the imagination. I took some time off from the MultiLevel Marketing industry because I was having a hard time dealing with the unethical people that are attracted (and often thrive) in Network Marketing. I had a hard time telling people there was a "system" when really it was just a deviously clever guy making up "training sessions" that he said would work for everyone that CLEARLY DO NOT. It cannot work for everyone... Otherwise everyone would do already do it and the whole thing would collapse. It takes certain skills and a lot of work to do it and those who possess the right qualities can become wealthy if they decide to do the work.
That brings me to the UP FRONT disclaimer!
You need at least the following skills in order to succeed at Internet Marketing a MLM company:
1. Average computer skills.
2. Be creative and be able to write many short, medium and long articles. (you can pay for some of this)
3. Better than average writer... Or you will have to learn how to express yourself more effectively on paper and video.
4. Have enough phone skills and product/business knowledge to answer questions about your product or business. I personally DO NOT try to persuade... I answer questions openly and honestly. If they want it, I help them get it. If they do not want it, I hang up the phone. ***
5. Of course, you have to want to do it. I will not chase you. I will inspire you and I will provide you with the knowledge and tools to succeed. It is up to you to actually apply it.
*** I did not mention the use 3-way calling with your upline business partner because you will eventually fail if you cannot properly handle an initial call from the prospect and see it through to the enrollment. Your upline will do this in the beginning, but they will not continue to close sales for you for long... Nor should they. It is your responsibility to get trained.
To see solid success at Internet Marketing an MLM program, you will need to be a creative person and a good communicator. You will need to continually provide quality articles surrounding your product, business and marketplace. This will be a lot of writing up front. There is VERY little cost involved and the more work you want to do yourself, the cheaper it will be. All you need to spend is your monthly autoship of the MLM. All the marketing can be done for free, but I seriously doubt you want to do that... That is way too much work. I would say be prepared to spend at least an extra $50 per month.
I have been an entrepreneur my whole life, but I really realized it a few years ago. I have run many businesses in my life, some successful, some not. I have enjoyed running each and every one for different reasons and I have learned from them all. However, my real passion is music. I have been lucky enough to have performed hundreds of times in the Ottawa area and I am currently hosting a weekly Open Stage and I am still performing regular gigs. I am grateful that I can work a flexible schedule in order to be able to follow my bliss.
I work primarily online and I promote affiliate programs, as well as Network Marketing products and businesses. I have only recently been able to figure out how to successfully run a Network Marketing, or MLM, business (almost) completely online. It is certainly a precise art, but I have actually gotten more than one Attraction Marketing systems recruiting distributors without prior contact with the prospect. I do occasionally take phone calls if prospects have questions, but most of the communication happens once the distributor has enrolled in my business. I recently recruited an overseas distributor with extensive prior experience in MLM. He had already recruited 2 new distributors before I had a chance to speak with him on the phone. Once the new person is recruited and they indicate that they are seriously interested in working a Network Marketing business, I teach them my Attraction Marketing strategies. If they are interested in pursuing "traditional" network marketing practices (ie: Face to Face), I have knowledge of that as well, from my 5 years of experience in the industry. Although it is of course very important to connect these new distributors to a strong leader within my upline organization. There are many different ways to find people to talk to, and there are some very strong leaders that can help you implement whatever Lead Generation strategy suits you best. As I continue tailoring my Attraction Marketing system, and I continue to focus on recruiting and selling products online.
And there you have it.
This is not easy by any stretch of the imagination. I took some time off from the MultiLevel Marketing industry because I was having a hard time dealing with the unethical people that are attracted (and often thrive) in Network Marketing. I had a hard time telling people there was a "system" when really it was just a deviously clever guy making up "training sessions" that he said would work for everyone that CLEARLY DO NOT. It cannot work for everyone... Otherwise everyone would do already do it and the whole thing would collapse. It takes certain skills and a lot of work to do it and those who possess the right qualities can become wealthy if they decide to do the work.
That brings me to the UP FRONT disclaimer!
You need at least the following skills in order to succeed at Internet Marketing a MLM company:
1. Average computer skills.
2. Be creative and be able to write many short, medium and long articles. (you can pay for some of this)
3. Better than average writer... Or you will have to learn how to express yourself more effectively on paper and video.
4. Have enough phone skills and product/business knowledge to answer questions about your product or business. I personally DO NOT try to persuade... I answer questions openly and honestly. If they want it, I help them get it. If they do not want it, I hang up the phone. ***
5. Of course, you have to want to do it. I will not chase you. I will inspire you and I will provide you with the knowledge and tools to succeed. It is up to you to actually apply it.
*** I did not mention the use 3-way calling with your upline business partner because you will eventually fail if you cannot properly handle an initial call from the prospect and see it through to the enrollment. Your upline will do this in the beginning, but they will not continue to close sales for you for long... Nor should they. It is your responsibility to get trained.
To see solid success at Internet Marketing an MLM program, you will need to be a creative person and a good communicator. You will need to continually provide quality articles surrounding your product, business and marketplace. This will be a lot of writing up front. There is VERY little cost involved and the more work you want to do yourself, the cheaper it will be. All you need to spend is your monthly autoship of the MLM. All the marketing can be done for free, but I seriously doubt you want to do that... That is way too much work. I would say be prepared to spend at least an extra $50 per month.
I will PAY you way in and Put 6 people under to start you off for FREE
I will PAY you way in and Put 6 people under to start you off for FREE
Online MLM Lead Generation
Whether this is your first month in a Network Marketing business, your first year, or whether you’ve been doing this for a decade. You are likely still struggling to find more people to talk to. MLM lead generation has always been and will always be your most important activity. Some people call lead generation "prospecting", but it’s all the same.
You need to have a continuous stream of people to talk to.
With the increasing popularity of the Internet, it is becoming much easier to locate people who are interested in your opportunity. You just need a few skills.
Before I give you some information on what you need to do to set up a successful Lead Generation campaign for your MLM business, let me just explain a bit about the Internet and how people get the information they want.
Unlike other means of advertising and marketing, the Internet is a "pull medium". What that means is that people are not "told" what they want... Instead, they ask for what they want. For example, when you are sitting in front of the TV and an advertisement comes on, you can either watch it or leave the room. You don’t choose what companies you want to hear from, the Television Network does, same with billboards, merchandise advertising, etc. In contrast, when you sit in front of your computer and open the Internet, you are largely in control of the information that you receive. You open your Search Engine, such as Google or Yahoo and you type in what you want.
This is a serious advantage if you can find a way to position your websites near the top of the Search Engines. Since people are actually looking for what they want, they are far more likely to be a qualified prospect. If you can determine your "target market" and know who they are and what they want to hear. Then you can likely make a lot of sales.
There are a few different ways to get your websites positioned well in the search engine results. Let me briefly explain two of them.
Pay Per Click (PPC)
The first is by using a "pay-per-click" model offered by the search engines such as Google. They will feature your add for a specific "keyword" and whenever that keyword is searched, your advertisement will be featured along the top or side of the search window. When a user clicks on it, you are charged a fee.
Pay-Per-Click is very popular and very useful when you know your target market and there is good traffic for your keyword. Sometimes, if there is a lot of competition for your keyword, this method can get very expensive. However, typically the more expensive the fees are the more traffic you will receive, and therefore the more sales you will make. That’s assuming your sales pages are good quality.
Social Networks and/or Web2.0
There are other alternatives to pay-per-click. You can also generate good traffic from what is called "organic" searches from the search engine such as Google. This can be done for free, but it requires a fair bit of work. The most effective method that I’ve seen is by using blogs to post articles on your topic, then using social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter to advertise.
The idea is to offer information for free in order to gather leads and promote your products. When a site has a lot of valuable information then it is ranked highly in Google and receives more traffic. You can use a lead capture page to acquire subscribers and in return you may even offer more free information such as an ebook in return for their contact information.
As you can imagine, this method takes a lot of work but the benefits are extraordinary. You are building relationships because of the constant content that is posted to the websites; therefore you are building trust and brand. This helps with getting new customers and also with repeat sales. Consumers are more likely to purchase from someone that they’ve already purchased from in the past.
click here for mre information
You need to have a continuous stream of people to talk to.
With the increasing popularity of the Internet, it is becoming much easier to locate people who are interested in your opportunity. You just need a few skills.
Before I give you some information on what you need to do to set up a successful Lead Generation campaign for your MLM business, let me just explain a bit about the Internet and how people get the information they want.
Unlike other means of advertising and marketing, the Internet is a "pull medium". What that means is that people are not "told" what they want... Instead, they ask for what they want. For example, when you are sitting in front of the TV and an advertisement comes on, you can either watch it or leave the room. You don’t choose what companies you want to hear from, the Television Network does, same with billboards, merchandise advertising, etc. In contrast, when you sit in front of your computer and open the Internet, you are largely in control of the information that you receive. You open your Search Engine, such as Google or Yahoo and you type in what you want.
This is a serious advantage if you can find a way to position your websites near the top of the Search Engines. Since people are actually looking for what they want, they are far more likely to be a qualified prospect. If you can determine your "target market" and know who they are and what they want to hear. Then you can likely make a lot of sales.
There are a few different ways to get your websites positioned well in the search engine results. Let me briefly explain two of them.
Pay Per Click (PPC)
The first is by using a "pay-per-click" model offered by the search engines such as Google. They will feature your add for a specific "keyword" and whenever that keyword is searched, your advertisement will be featured along the top or side of the search window. When a user clicks on it, you are charged a fee.
Pay-Per-Click is very popular and very useful when you know your target market and there is good traffic for your keyword. Sometimes, if there is a lot of competition for your keyword, this method can get very expensive. However, typically the more expensive the fees are the more traffic you will receive, and therefore the more sales you will make. That’s assuming your sales pages are good quality.
Social Networks and/or Web2.0
There are other alternatives to pay-per-click. You can also generate good traffic from what is called "organic" searches from the search engine such as Google. This can be done for free, but it requires a fair bit of work. The most effective method that I’ve seen is by using blogs to post articles on your topic, then using social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter to advertise.
The idea is to offer information for free in order to gather leads and promote your products. When a site has a lot of valuable information then it is ranked highly in Google and receives more traffic. You can use a lead capture page to acquire subscribers and in return you may even offer more free information such as an ebook in return for their contact information.
As you can imagine, this method takes a lot of work but the benefits are extraordinary. You are building relationships because of the constant content that is posted to the websites; therefore you are building trust and brand. This helps with getting new customers and also with repeat sales. Consumers are more likely to purchase from someone that they’ve already purchased from in the past.
click here for mre information
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I will PAY you way in and Put 6 people under to start you off for FREE
I will PAY you way in and Put 6 people under to start you off for FREE
Mastering The 4 Pillars of Massive Success in Network Marketing
oin us for a LIVE Teleclass this Tuesday, January 12th
Date: Jan 12 2010, 9:00 PM EST
Phone Number: 1-916-233-0616
PIN: 8711#
Hello my friends, just a friendly reminder about tonight's teleclass (it's going to rock!)
Make sure you get this out to everyone you want to help: your team members, fellow networkers, etc.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Title: Mastering the 4 Pillars of Massive Success in Network Marketing
Date: Tuesday, January 12th, 2010
Time: 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST
Phone Number: 1-916-233-0616
PIN: 8711#
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
See you on the Teleclass!
Derek Jamieson
oin us for a LIVE Teleclass this Tuesday, January 12th
Date: Jan 12 2010, 9:00 PM EST
Phone Number: 1-916-233-0616
PIN: 8711#
Hello my friends, just a friendly reminder about tonight's teleclass (it's going to rock!)
Make sure you get this out to everyone you want to help: your team members, fellow networkers, etc.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Title: Mastering the 4 Pillars of Massive Success in Network Marketing
Date: Tuesday, January 12th, 2010
Time: 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST
Phone Number: 1-916-233-0616
PIN: 8711#
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
See you on the Teleclass!
Derek Jamieson
Monday, January 11, 2010
We will also have the LGN Prosperity Overview Call at 9:00pm EST, 8:00pm CST,
7:00pm MST and 6:00pm PST!!
To register go to and click on the "Call Schedule" page!!
I hope you have a fantastic evening!
Derek Jamieson
skype: jamiesonbiz
No skype? No problem! It is FREE!
1. Go to:
2. Download skype
3. Install skype
4. contact me: jamiesonbiz
7:00pm MST and 6:00pm PST!!
To register go to and click on the "Call Schedule" page!!
I hope you have a fantastic evening!
Derek Jamieson
skype: jamiesonbiz
No skype? No problem! It is FREE!
1. Go to:
2. Download skype
3. Install skype
4. contact me: jamiesonbiz
Sunday, January 10, 2010
I Just Increased My Followers By Using The Twitter Online System It's GREAT! Try It Out @
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Stay at Home Moms & Melaleuca
Melaleuca, The Wellness Company is a $887 million nutritional, cosmetic, and personal care products company founded in 1985 and headquartered in Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA.
Melaleuca was listed on the Inc. 500's list of fastest-growing companies in 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, and 1994 and today is one of the largest and most successful privately owned companies in Idaho.
Melaleuca, Inc. is not the first Melaleuca based company. A previous company began under the name "Oil of Melaleuca, Inc." offering a single product called "T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil" which was formulated from extract of the melaleuca alternafolia shrub-like tree, commonly known as tea tree oil. This former company operated as a standard multi-level marketing company whose literature made health claims the FDA would not approve. The company sold products whose uses and benefits were not verifiably documented. There were also exaggerated claims of the efficacy of the active ingredient, tea tree oil, and claims that the company was a sole source of the same, creating an impression of privileged access to a unique product.[2]
Melaleuca sales history from 1985 through 2008.
In 1985, the company was taken over by Frank L. VanderSloot who dissolved the previous company, created a new marketing plan to support consumers, immediately launched an initiative to bring the company's product line into compliance with FDA regulations, and started this new company under the name of "Melaleuca, Inc.". He made the compensation plan more favorable to Marketing Executives, by establishing Consumer Direct Marketing. Independent Marketing Executives were no longer required to sell products but instead became preferred membership enrollment facilitators. Since VanderSloot has taken the helm, Melaleuca has experienced consistently increasing sales and revenues and expanded internationally.
Melaleuca now has over 2,500 employees as well as sales offices in Hong Kong, Japan, and Australia, Taiwan, New Zealand, and United Kingdom and grossed US $887,000,000 in sales in 2008. [3] Melaleuca began sales in Singapore, Netherlands, and Jamaica in 2006
Products and business model
While initially based predominantly on melaleuca plant extracts, the product line has since expanded beyond this initial focus. Melaleuca sells products including household cleaners, personal care items, pharmaceuticals and nutritional supplements. The company markets itself as being earth-friendly, and many of their products are certified organic and Kosher certified. They also launched a cosmetics line in partnership with fashion designer Nicole Miller in August, 1999.
Melaleuca has been outspoken against the abuses inherent to multi-level marketing and the damage they can cause. By contrast, Melaleuca does not allow inventory loading (a practice used by many multi-level marketing companies encouraging them to purchase sometimes thousands of dollars worth of inventory), limits the marketing chain to 7 generations, and prohibits "breakaways" (another practice commonly found in multi-level marketing). Melaleuca also does not require its marketing executives to maintain an inventory. In order to earn commissions from one's customers, marketing executives must produce a minimal number of 35 product points per month (the equivalent of about $45–55 each month) to remain an active Independent Marketing Executive. This in turn qualifies the Preferred customer to receive a 30%-40% discount off the regular purchase price of their personal product purchases. The company also offers their preferred members an opportunity to earn up to 10% of their monthly product order back in "Loyalty Shopping" dollars. After earning $100 in Loyalty Shopping dollars their first five consecutive months, new preferred members are allowed to redeem their earned Loyalty Shopping dollars towards products.
The products Melaleuca produces today are typically everyday, consumer items such as shampoo, hairspray, and cleaning supplies. Independent Marketing Executives and Preferred Customers of Melaleuca, Inc. say that the minimum required level to receive this discount is compatible with average household and personal monthly use.
According to Melaleuca, the company focuses on developing products that support wellness through a healthy lifestyle and products that are safer for your home. For the conscientious household, the company focuses on researching and bringing to market cleaning products that are environmentally friendly and use more natural ingredients. Melaleuca touts that its products perform as good or better than what is found at the local grocery store, but without the bleach, lye, or other chemicals typically found in other brands.
The company has developed an extensive line of nutritional products such as vitamin and mineral supplements which claim to promote heart health, cardiovascular, and blood pressure supplements, and a glucosamine product for healthy joints. They also have developed products using natural ingredients that the company claims support healthy vision, healthy prostate, healthy urinary tract, as well as other nutritional supplements. It also has a body and bath product line, beauty and makeup line, and weight management line.
Melaleuca uses a direct-to-consumer delivery model, where a customer can place an order via telephone, fax or online (over the internet) and products are delivered to their door via UPS or national mail carrier.
Income Opportunity - Sharing Wellness With Others
When you see a great movie, are you excited to tell your friends about it? Do you recommend your favorite restaurant to your brother or tell your neighbor when there's a sale at the grocery store?
Melaleuca provides a business opportunity based on this same principle. When you find something good, you recommend it to your friends. The movie theater or the grocery store doesn't pay you to do it-but Melaleuca does. That's what we call Consumer Direct Marketing.
Introducing Products to Others
Melaleuca's financial opportunity is easy to understand. When you find a new customer and help them join Melaleuca, you will receive a commission on each order. The more customers you enroll, the more commissions you earn. Melaleuca also offers bonuses and incentives for helping other customers start a business.
This type of marketing has many advantages. Our convenient catalog delivery system allows health-oriented customers to shop for over 300 household products and have them delivered directly to their door. The customer does not pay for advertising, trucking, middle-man mark-ups or store display costs-and products cost less. In addition, since each order comes straight from the manufacturer, the products arrive fresh and you save time and money that otherwise would be spent in the grocery store or drugstore. You are sharing wellness with others each time you enroll a customer!
Achieve Financial Wellness
Most of us, at one time or another, have longed for the opportunity to be our own boss and have more control over our financial lives. To people all around the world, the thought of getting out of the 9-to-5 corporate mindset and taking over their own financial destiny has great appeal.
Unfortunately, more often than not, the biggest barrier preventing most people from generating income isn't a lack of desire, drive or initiative. It's simply a lack of money. Not having the financial resources needed to purchase basic business assets-inventory, equipment, real estate, etc. - means they can't produce income and get their businesses off the ground. The lack of start-up cash locks them, their children, and their children's children into a frustrating cycle of "working for the other guy" where they can never really get ahead.
However, Melaleuca is in the business of breaking that cycle and redistributing opportunity. We've created a unique business structure that allows you to begin earning additional income, achieve your dreams of self-sufficiency, and gain the flexibility and control you've always wanted. You don't have to worry about start-up costs and inventory-you simply begin referring customers to Melaleuca.
Thousands of average people have recommended Melaleuca's wellness products to their friends, and have started earning a residual income. We celebrate and publish the accomplishments of our Marketing Executives in our annual income statistics report. Their income may help them pay for gas and groceries during the month, provide dance lessons or braces for their children, save for college education or retirement, or may even replace their full-time income. By alleviating these financial pressures they can focus on the things in life that are more important than money.
The Truth About Monavie
MonaVie is a nutritional beverage company distributing beverage products made from blended fruit juice concentrates with freeze-dried açaà powder and purée through a multi-level marketing (MLM) business model. In 2009, Monavie, Inc. was ranked eighteenth on Inc. magazine's 500/5000 ranking of the fastest-growing private companies in the U.S..
Company overview
MonaVie juice was launched in January 2005 by multi-level marketing (MLM) company Monarch Health Sciences, which was founded in 2003 as a distributor of diet and weight loss supplements. Also in 2005, the executives of Monarch founded MonaVie LLC/MonaVie Inc., a privately-held MLM company based in Salt Lake City, Utah. The newly formed company took over the bottling, distribution, and marketing of MonaVie juice products. Both Monarch Health Sciences and MonaVie, Inc. were founded by Dallin Larsen, who graduated from Brigham Young University with a B.S. degree in finance.[10] Larsen previously held senior executive positions with the MLM companies Dynamic Essentials and Usana. According to company sources, MonaVie juice was developed by Ralph E. Carson, now the company's Chief Science Officer.
In September 2009, Monavie, Inc. was ranked eighteenth on Inc. magazine's 500/5000 ranking of the fastest-growing private companies (based on claimed revenue from 2005 to 2008) in the United States (#1 in Food & Beverage category; #3 in revenue)[9] However, as a privately-held company, MonaVie isn't required to publish financial data, making such claims difficult to judge.[6] In June 2009, MonaVie CEO Dallin Larsen was one of eight Utah business owners to receive the Entrepreneur of the Year in the Utah Region award from accounting firm Ernst & Young.[13]. In Novemember 2009, Mr. Larsen was announced as the National Entrepreneur of the Year for Emerging Markets, by Ernst & Young.
Product overview
The MonaVie product line includes bottled juices, MonaVie Original, Active, and Pulse, in addition to gel pack versions of these products and an energy drink, EMV.
A patent application for Opti-AcaÃ, a primary product ingredient for MonaVie juices, was submitted to the World Intellectual Property Organization in 2004 by developers Alexander G. Schauss and Kenneth A. Murdock.[15] and approved by the U.S. Patent Office on July 21, 2009.
Distributor earnings
Monavie products are sold by non-employee distributors who are eligible to receive commissions based on product sales. Individual distributors are encouraged to build their own sales networks by recruiting new distributors to sell the products (referred to in multilevel marketing parlance as a "downline"); the recruiter can, in theory, receive additional commissions based on sales by their downlines.
Regarding the earnings prospects for Monavie distributors, a Newsweek reporter commented that, based on MonaVie's 2007 income disclosure statement, "fewer than 1% qualified for commissions and of those, only 10% made more than $100 a week." More than 90% were counted as wholesale customers, whose earnings Newsweek said were mostly discounts on sales to themselves. According to a top recruiter, the dropout rate in 2008 was around 70%.
According to an article published by the Hartford Courant by author Janice Posada on July 19, 2009 called "Acai's Payoff", the Monavie 2008 income disclosure statement shows that about 45% of the company's distributors earned an annualized average check of less than $1,600, and 37% took home about $2,000; approximately 2% earned an annualized average check of more than $29,000, and just 7 out of 80,000 distributors (<0.01%) took home more than $3 million.[18][19] In an article published in Deseret News, Monavie Executive VP Henry Marsh responded to Newsweek's analysis of distributor earnings, stating that "...more like 14 percent..." of distributors make a profit COME JOIN TEAM SUCEESSWAVE
Global Virtual Opportunities & Team SuccessWave
A Letter From Bram Smith
Okay guys…
I can confirm that GVO is the most incredible company I have ever worked with
I just drove out to the GVO offices, waltzed right in and asked for Joel, and had a sit down with he and Mike (you will know Mike if you’ve been following Joel’s blog, which you should be).
I didn’t know what to expect really. I brought with me a list of questions I know that a lot of people have surrounding the GVO launch.
Joel is cautious when it comes to announcing an exact date that GVO will go into pre-launch, but I can tell you that I am more pumped than EVER about this company now.
I sat down at Joel’s computer and got a sneek peak of the GVO back office, marketing tools and products. People, it ROCKS!
If the thought has even entered your mind about dropping out of GVO before we even get to prelaunch it would be a HUGE mistake.
After a tour of the facilities (with PLENTY of room for expansion), Joel, Mike and I sat down in the “green room” and I grilled him for what must have been close to an hour.
If you have ANY questions about the GVO compensation plan, the products, and why this is such an excellent opportunity, believe me — I got them answered for you.
We even took a trip to the white board in Joel’s office for a detailed explanation about the compensation plan, and boy am I excited about what I found out. Turns out there were several perks I wasn’t even aware of.
Since the video turned out so long and we ended up doing it on the much nicer GVO video cam than my Flip cam, Joel agreed to have his video production guy produce the video for me.
I can’t wait for you to see it because you’re going to be as jazzed as I am by what you hear.
You don’t know the half of it yet!
One thing I wanted you to know NOW before you even see the video is that the commission stats you see in your Kiosk back office do NOT reflect everything properly. (but they should soon)
You will receive a 50% fast start bonus your first month for each of your personal referrals. Right now that’s not showing.
Here are some other KEY things about the comp plan I’m sure you will want to know…
- 2×10 forced matrix (meaning people in your upline OR your downline may contribute to your overall income as they refer more and more people)
- %5 commission on EACH of the 10 levels. A full matrix is 2046 people, or over $4,500 per month if every person is on the LOWEST price-point product package — and if you didn’t refer ANY of them.
If you referred some of them, you earn 20% of what your referrals earn too (matching bonuses). This is in addition to your normal matrix commissions.
- For every 14 Titanium members in your organization, you get another position in the matrix. You can save these up in a pool and use them (position them) where you want to and WHEN you want to.
This is great, for instance, if you want to put one of these “bonus” positions directly under a heavy-hitter you refer, or if you want to use it as incentive by placing it under a friend or family member and then start building it so you build your income AND theirs, or rewarding a hard-working member in your group by placing one of your bonus positions under them.
And ah… this is KILLER. If you’re really going to get cranking and promoting GVO, you will LOVE this. Each month, GVO will put 10% of company net profits into a bonus pool. I don’t know that it has an official name yet, but we’ll call it the heavy hitter bonus pool for now.
The TOP 20 referrers each month will share in this pool equally.
NOT the top earners, but the 20 people with the most personal referrals for that month — so even someone BRAND NEW to the company could potentially hit on this bonus their first month.
I can’t make promises about the size of this pool or what the bonus to each qualifying affiliate will be, but I can imagine it getting VERY big, VERY fast based on what I’ve seen already.
For an easy hypothetical example, if GVO has net profits of $1 MILLION in a month, then the bonus pool for that month is $100,000, which is split equally by 20 people who referred the most new members for the month.
Thats $5K in addition to your normal fast starts, matrix commissions, and matching bonuses. If you can't tell by this email that I'm excited, just wait until you see the video.
I grilled the heck out of Joel for you. What I planned on being a quick hello and tour of the office, and a few answers to pressing questions turned into a full blown tell-all about GVO (except the future stuff Joel has up his sleeve, and believe me, although I can't talk about it — it's exciting and will mean even MORE income to you).
I’m telling you folks… I'm pumped. If you're not, check your pulse — there's probably something wrong with you.
Joel will send me the video as soon as it's produced, and I'll be sure to pass it on to you as soon as I can.
Start telling people about GVO now and get a serious head start before we even go into per-launch. Now is the time!
Bram Smith
The GVO Compensation Plan
Take Your $1 Trial Today
So what is GVO or Global Virtual Opportunities? Before I answer that, let me ask you a question. If you have your own online business, what is the most essential service you are likely to have?.....
How about web hosting! Thats right, web if we accept that serious online buisnesses need web hosting, how would it be if you could build a profitable online business by promoting a solution that is attractive to, well anyone who needs to host and market their websites.
You see this is an hosting package with a difference, and thats down to the quality of the tools provided in the package, more on that in a moment.
Now back to this providing a business opportunity, to have longevity for recurring income each and every month you need for people to be party to a good quality product that is essential to
their working activities and that provides a quality solution, and that is why the impending launch of the GVO system is going to be a winner for anyone who gets in there early.
You can see a video that lays out this opportunity here: GVO
So why would the GVO or Global Virtual Opportunity be appealing for web masters to join, lets take a closer look at what it offers:
With your GVO membership you also get:
* Personalized Autoresponder System
* Online Virtual Conferencing
* Online Video Hosting and Video Producer
* Website Downtime Monitoring
* Unlimited Hosted Domain Names
* 15000 Meg's of Web Space and 200000 Meg's of Bandwidth (that's alot!)
* Unlimited MySQL databases
* Unlimited Sub-Domains
* Unlimited Email Accounts
From a business perspective you are rewarded in a number of ways, and you can get into the system for $1, and because of how the system works it is possible to see results, even if you have not promoted at all, through the spill overs from other referrers.
Start Your $1 Trial Toady
You have the power and the opportunity to change your life.
You can make anything you want of it.
It's not difficult, it just takes some effort.
See things as you would have them be instead of as they are.
Develop a personal plan that focuses on what you want,
not on what you have.
Your imagination will show you how to turn possibility into reality.
Visualize your goals and your subconscious will work
toward making those mental picture come true.
When you picture yourself as vividly winning,
that alone will contribute immeasurably to your success.
Knowing your destination is all you need to get there.
You can make anything you want of it.
It's not difficult, it just takes some effort.
See things as you would have them be instead of as they are.
Develop a personal plan that focuses on what you want,
not on what you have.
Your imagination will show you how to turn possibility into reality.
Visualize your goals and your subconscious will work
toward making those mental picture come true.
When you picture yourself as vividly winning,
that alone will contribute immeasurably to your success.
Knowing your destination is all you need to get there.
Introducing The GDI Matrix Buster & Team SuccessWave
Here's the honest truth… to succeed online you must be able to build your own list of prospects. I don’t care what business you are promoting – you must build a list and I’m not talking about your babysitter, the pizza guy, your kids teachers or the gas station attendant. You must be able to build a list of people that WANT to know about your business!
Without the ability to build your own list, you are:
1) leaving money on the table and
2) potentially losing your new members to another person working the same biz and
3) losing commissions you deserve to receive for years to come
You must be able to provide a solid system for your team members in order for them to succeed. I created Team SuccessWave to help my team and other GDI members.If you are currently with GDI but getting nowhere and you would like to try our team, there are options. Unfortunately we can only build teams for people in our organization but don't loose hope. In the short terms system that I gave my GDI team members to use to build their downline. What started out as a ‘test’ when I started GDI turned into a system that had existing GDI members calling me day and night asking about it. I’ve even had people from other GDI teams on my conference calls because they were curious as to how my system worked.
Because we strongly believe that the more you give to others the more you will receive, we decided it was time to join. We held our weekly team webinar a few days ago and I asked my team what they thought about us joining the Matrix Buster and adding the free system to the team . This GDI Matrix Buster works!
Team SuccessWave were talking about this decision a year ago and I guess we were just really pumped about GDI Matrix Buster & how this free system can help our team SuccessWave & many other people that dont join the team and are still apart of GDI.
So, this is an open call to all GDI’ers out there…. if you've ever wanted to use my team system, it's now available to you! No charge. The only expense is your autoresponder and you have to have one of those anyway to build a list. You don't have to use the one I recommend – you don't even have to use one at all! So, if thats the case then this system will be 100% free for you. However, if you choose the autoresponder I recommend, you will not be sorry because you'll get weekly checks like clockwork for your efforts. The one I recommend costs less than $20 per month and you can get that back within 30 days if you enroll just one GDI member or system user!
I will never charge you a weekly, monthly, yearly, one time offer, blah blah blah to use this system. Ever. It is free to use. Even if you are already a member of GDI – you can use this system absolutely FREE without switching sponsorship. Consider it my early gift to you.
Go here to get it setup. It'll take about 45 minutes or so to get it setup depending on how fast you read and follow directions. Team SuccessWave is confident that it will work for you like it has worked for me and my team members.
Without the ability to build your own list, you are:
1) leaving money on the table and
2) potentially losing your new members to another person working the same biz and
3) losing commissions you deserve to receive for years to come
You must be able to provide a solid system for your team members in order for them to succeed. I created Team SuccessWave to help my team and other GDI members.If you are currently with GDI but getting nowhere and you would like to try our team, there are options. Unfortunately we can only build teams for people in our organization but don't loose hope. In the short terms system that I gave my GDI team members to use to build their downline. What started out as a ‘test’ when I started GDI turned into a system that had existing GDI members calling me day and night asking about it. I’ve even had people from other GDI teams on my conference calls because they were curious as to how my system worked.
Because we strongly believe that the more you give to others the more you will receive, we decided it was time to join. We held our weekly team webinar a few days ago and I asked my team what they thought about us joining the Matrix Buster and adding the free system to the team . This GDI Matrix Buster works!
Team SuccessWave were talking about this decision a year ago and I guess we were just really pumped about GDI Matrix Buster & how this free system can help our team SuccessWave & many other people that dont join the team and are still apart of GDI.
So, this is an open call to all GDI’ers out there…. if you've ever wanted to use my team system, it's now available to you! No charge. The only expense is your autoresponder and you have to have one of those anyway to build a list. You don't have to use the one I recommend – you don't even have to use one at all! So, if thats the case then this system will be 100% free for you. However, if you choose the autoresponder I recommend, you will not be sorry because you'll get weekly checks like clockwork for your efforts. The one I recommend costs less than $20 per month and you can get that back within 30 days if you enroll just one GDI member or system user!
I will never charge you a weekly, monthly, yearly, one time offer, blah blah blah to use this system. Ever. It is free to use. Even if you are already a member of GDI – you can use this system absolutely FREE without switching sponsorship. Consider it my early gift to you.
Go here to get it setup. It'll take about 45 minutes or so to get it setup depending on how fast you read and follow directions. Team SuccessWave is confident that it will work for you like it has worked for me and my team members.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
TrafficWave and Team SuccessWave By Derek Jamieson
There are so many people out there who want to earn money online. They hate their jobs and our money buys less and less at the store. It's getting really bad. What I've seen in my two years of marketing online is that there is no shortage of people with the desire to succeed and the willingness to work at it in their spare time. The problem is that they're lost, overwhelmed by it all and simply don't know what to to.
TrafficWave's product and affiliate pay plan attracts an enormous number of new members on a regular basis because of the 30-Day Free Trial offer. The problem is that virtually EVERYONE lets their account go inactive after those 30 days. This is because they join to make money and if they don't see any progress in 30 days, they simply quit.
The TrafficWave autoresponder is great product that, long term, you really need in this business. However, very few people join TrafficWave for the autoresponder anymore than people join GDI for the web hosting. They join for the affiliate pay plan. They want the MONEY!
For that reason, TrafficWave's 'forced' matrix affiliate downline structure has a very strong appeal. For most people, the idea that their sponsor simply can't recruit indefinitely on her or his first level, but must provide 'matrix-spillover', sounds very good. In fact, it sounds so good that most affiliate members simply do nothing but sit there and wait for it. The problem is that, though it is a 'forced' matrix, nobody is forced to do anything - and most will not, can not and WON'T! And one or two people can't do it all by themselves. Trust me, I know.
That's why Team SuccessWave is so powerful. It takes the idea of a forced matrix and adds the element of forced teamwork and forced referral success. It accomplishes this with an aggressive and caring Team Leader and a SIMPLE system that everyone uses consistently and persistently. Because everyone in the Team downline is forced to help and motivate each other (they have no other choice) it works like a miracle. And that means that the 'fantasy' of earning online money that can actually PAY a bill or two becomes reality.
Come Join Team SuccessWave
"The Twitter Report" - Summary, Review, & How To Get Your Free Copy...
I was skeptical at first, but after reading through the whole report and watching a couple of the videos available at their website I must say, I am beyond impressed.
These two guys have been silently attracting visitor after visitor to their sites using Twitter, and they have created a step by step guide so that anyone can replicate their ideas & systems.
Yes, thats right, it is another “system.” Most of us, as marketers, have pretty much come to recognize the word “system” as overused and often incorrectly placed. But, with “The Twitter Report” and the videos that follow, this stuff really is formatted into what you could correctly label a “system” at its finest.
Walt & Chris have uncovered every known tip & trick for setting up your Twitter account to give you maximum return per tweet, while keeping everything on auto-pilot as much as possible. They leave nothing to question and go pretty in depth.
Most of the stuff they cover includes many things you could likely figure out on your own, however, this report can save you the time & aggravation of having to go through trial and error while you make the same mistakes they’ve already made for you, & neatly documented along the way.
Why waste time, energy, and money trying to figure it all out on your own when you could just see how it all worked out for them and simply follow their suggestions, which are already proven to work successfully?
After reading the report and watching some of the videos I give two enthusiastic thumbs up, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to stay on the cutting edge of this new wave of communications & hyper-connectedness.
You’ll learn how to configure your settings, which 3rd party sites to join & how to set them up to run campaigns automatically, and much more.
I am sure you will enjoy “The Twitter Report” as much as I did and you can go check it out here: Click Here To Get Your Free Copy
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
FA$TCA$H Builds Your Primary Program!!!
FCS was one of the FIRST to know about a truly, MASSIVE and GLOBAL opportunity that will make Success Stories out of thousands and thousands of people.
Many of these people will make money online for the very first time in their lives.
You now have this -ONE GOLDEN - chance to slide in at the very TOP of a wildly successful program and only Pay $10 Out Of Pocket for a program that will cost you 300 euro if you join through anyone else!!!.
This window of opportunity is growing smaller every day, as we near LGN launch date of Nov. 1st. This may be the only time that you can be the one to introduce a block-buster to the internet community.
HUNDREDS are pouring in every day.
Here's why everyone is going WILD over The FA$TCA$H Systems $10 Feeder into LGN:
This is what you'll get with LGN...
A Priority Pass to access over 600 VIP Airport lounges worldwide
A Pre-Paid Master card, already loaded!
A Pre-Paid Calling Card
A Position on the Builder Board
Paid WEEKLY to your eWallet
Transfer earnings directly onto your MC
Cycle 1st board and get €300, plus Voucher worth €299.
Then get a FREE position on the Super Board
Cycle the Super Board and get paid €4000
Receive another FREE position on the Super Board - over and over and over!
Residual Income up to 7 levels deep
Rank & Title Pin Program
Incentives like iPhones, Laptops and more People will be clearing the boards MULTIPLE times a week, even Multiple times a DAY.
As the momentum grows in the next few weeks, and thousands climb over each other to join.. make sure they are joining Through YOUR FA$TCA$H System Downline.
Follow these 3 very simple steps.
Join FA$TCA$H Now
After Joining FCS, Register With LGN Here
Lastly, Replace the 2 referral links above with yours and send this same exact email to everyone you know including every referral on your FCS Referrals Page
Today is the first day of the rest of your life,
Make The Best Of It...
derek jamieson
Get The Truth - My Prospecting Secrets Revealed!
Let me start off by explaining the biggest benefit of providing your downline members with a viral prospecting system.
It boils down to this...
When you have a viral prospecting system in place for your team members, your downline has the potential to take on a life of its own and continue to grow effortlessly while you're focusing on more important things such as family and friends.
A gentleman I recently discovered managed to accomplish the difficult task of duplication while maintaining his full time job and family life.
He mentioned that ever since the beginning of his online ventures he was searching for a system that brought interested prospects in automatically.
He didn't have time to do the traditional recruiting methods because they required a lot of time and commitment.
What he wanted instead, was a huge downline that duplicated on auto-pilot from his part time efforts.
"But did such a solution exist?"
If it did, he said he couldn't find it...
So after many years of struggling to build a solid residual income through network marketing he decided it was time to take the bull by the horns (so to speak) and he created a 3 step marketing system that literally exploded his downline within a few months.
The part that amazed me the most was the fact that he didn't spend a dime on advertising. And his downline is now over 11,460 strong and growing monthly on auto-pilot.
Ultimately I learned that being a successful sponsor involves providing some type of system that helps people build their business, not sitting around wondering why your downline isn't doing anything.
I guess the quote from Zig Ziglar holds true:
"You can have everything in life you want, if you just help enough other people get what they want."
If you'd like to learn about James Grandstaff's brand new prospecting system that builds YOUR primary business and generates multiple income streams, go here:
It boils down to this...
When you have a viral prospecting system in place for your team members, your downline has the potential to take on a life of its own and continue to grow effortlessly while you're focusing on more important things such as family and friends.
A gentleman I recently discovered managed to accomplish the difficult task of duplication while maintaining his full time job and family life.
He mentioned that ever since the beginning of his online ventures he was searching for a system that brought interested prospects in automatically.
He didn't have time to do the traditional recruiting methods because they required a lot of time and commitment.
What he wanted instead, was a huge downline that duplicated on auto-pilot from his part time efforts.
"But did such a solution exist?"
If it did, he said he couldn't find it...
So after many years of struggling to build a solid residual income through network marketing he decided it was time to take the bull by the horns (so to speak) and he created a 3 step marketing system that literally exploded his downline within a few months.
The part that amazed me the most was the fact that he didn't spend a dime on advertising. And his downline is now over 11,460 strong and growing monthly on auto-pilot.
Ultimately I learned that being a successful sponsor involves providing some type of system that helps people build their business, not sitting around wondering why your downline isn't doing anything.
I guess the quote from Zig Ziglar holds true:
"You can have everything in life you want, if you just help enough other people get what they want."
If you'd like to learn about James Grandstaff's brand new prospecting system that builds YOUR primary business and generates multiple income streams, go here:
TrafficWave Matrix Buster
For those who like their information on the hurry-up (and who doesn't?), I've put together the general overview of TrafficWave's 'Matrix-Buster' concept that you see above.
Stay at Home Moms Earn Serious Money from Home
Attention! There is finally an opportunity that allows you to earn money from home without requiring you to pick up the phone and beg people you don't know to join your business. That's right! Chances are you have come across several opportunities that sounded great, but want you to sell and require you to recruit your friends and family to be successful. Bottom line most people do not have the expertise or the desire to be a salesperson. How would you like to earn thousands a months without picking up the phone?
Learn More Here
If you are ready to start your own business and live the life you have always dreamed of, then you are in the right place at the right time.
Come take a look at the business opportunity that is changing lives everyday! I never thought such results would be attainable in such a short amount of time. Don't waste another second making someone else rich! Come join the fastest growing business opportunity on the internet today!
Success favors the brave!!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Choosing the Right Home Business For You
Copyright © Derek Jamieson
Pay any attention at all to your email inbox and you'd be
forgiven for thinking that the only way to run a business
from home is on the Internet. Sure, many people are
running spectacularly successful Internet-based home
businesses. Many, many more are doing so even more
spectacularly unsuccessfully.
But what if you're not interested in running an Internet
business? What if you want to start and run a home
business the old-fashioned way? Where do you start?
Actually starting any home business is the easy part.
The hard part's deciding what that business should be.
After defining your purpose, finding a suitable niche,
it is important to determine what your goals are in the
home business industry and how quickly you want to achieve
them. Are you in this to become full time, or just a part
time income? I tell you this because I am speaking from my
own experiences with my home based businesses. It's funny,
people ask me all the time, how did you get started, how did
you become so successful, and the truth is, I worked harder
than anyone I know. If you really want to make your work from
home business opportunity a success, you are going to have to
pull yourself out of the crowd and show potential home business
seekers that you can help them make money with your business
opportunity! And that is why I created my own site, for you
my viewers and readers, to learn from. Having your purpose,
finding your niche, writing down your short and long term
goals are by far the best way to succeed with any home based
internet business. You have to find a way to stand out from
he crowd. Keep reading for key success factors of the online
work from home industry.
first factor is the product and/or service that the program
is offering or selling. This will more than likely be the most
important factor of them all, because if it is not in demand,
or the product or service does not offer incentive to sell or
use, no one in their right mind will spend money to join you.
And believe me when I say that there are thousands of home
based business opportunities out there that have complete junk
products and you will waste tons of money if you do not research
before joining and spending. Ask yourself is the product
differentiated from other companies, how high is the demand for
the service or product, is anyone in that niche or opportunity
using the product or service and experiencing great results?
Ok so you have found a business service or product that
interests you, next is to look at who is behind the product
or service. The company who is running or managing the home
based business opportunity or the creator of the affiliate
marketing program is vital to your success. This is an important
step and often overlooked and can hurt you in the long run.
Back when I first started to work from home, I joined several
home business opportunities and did not do my research beforehand
and came back to hurt me. Find the answers to some common questions
like how bright does their future look? Financially solid and
backed? Are they helpful, active, and have a desire and passion
about their product or service? Do you feel as though they have
good ethics? Are they willing to work with and support their
home based business distributors? And something I have learned
over the years through various home based business opportunities,
is do they have a sense of excitement about their product or
service or are they just trying to make money. If you can answer
most of the questions above with a good feeling and positive
vibe, and are attracted to their product or service, then you
are on the right track for finding a good fit and work at home business
So we are on the right track to finding a good work from home
opportunity product or service and like what we see from the
company, now it is time to evaluate their marketing system.
Does the affiliate marketing or home based business program
have a system in place where I can excel and succeed with?
To elaborate, let's say you have the greatest company and
greatest product or service in the world, and is an all
around great business opportunity, does that mean your
guaranteed results and profits? No, of course not, you have
to have a marketing system in place that allows you and all
of your team members a chance to really hammer into the business
and begin promoting and advertising your opportunity.
The last key factor to look for in a work from home
business opportunity that will contribute to your
compensation plan! The two most important questions
you can ask yourself are How do I get paid and Will
I get paid accordingly for my efforts! Analyze their
compensation plan, dotheylooklike they are giving back to their
members? Do they have good incentatives and bonuses
for working hard? Do they allow for the new business
seekers quick money upfront getting them excited
and tuned into the business opportunity?
Just to summarize my four key factors for success with
any affiliate marketing program or home based business
opportunity, all of these are important and can ultimately
determine your success in your online money making
adventures. After putting the necessary time and effort
into researching and analyzing business opportunities,
it is now time to roll the dice and see how they play out.
Remember that you are not always going to be successful
from day one, and many people fail and lose money but if you
stick with it and play your cards right and roll the dice
good just once, this industry can be the most lucrative
business in the world and literally make more money than
professional athletes!
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Copyright © Derek Jamieson
Pay any attention at all to your email inbox and you'd be
forgiven for thinking that the only way to run a business
from home is on the Internet. Sure, many people are
running spectacularly successful Internet-based home
businesses. Many, many more are doing so even more
spectacularly unsuccessfully.
But what if you're not interested in running an Internet
business? What if you want to start and run a home
business the old-fashioned way? Where do you start?
Actually starting any home business is the easy part.
The hard part's deciding what that business should be.
After defining your purpose, finding a suitable niche,
it is important to determine what your goals are in the
home business industry and how quickly you want to achieve
them. Are you in this to become full time, or just a part
time income? I tell you this because I am speaking from my
own experiences with my home based businesses. It's funny,
people ask me all the time, how did you get started, how did
you become so successful, and the truth is, I worked harder
than anyone I know. If you really want to make your work from
home business opportunity a success, you are going to have to
pull yourself out of the crowd and show potential home business
seekers that you can help them make money with your business
opportunity! And that is why I created my own site, for you
my viewers and readers, to learn from. Having your purpose,
finding your niche, writing down your short and long term
goals are by far the best way to succeed with any home based
internet business. You have to find a way to stand out from
he crowd. Keep reading for key success factors of the online
work from home industry.
first factor is the product and/or service that the program
is offering or selling. This will more than likely be the most
important factor of them all, because if it is not in demand,
or the product or service does not offer incentive to sell or
use, no one in their right mind will spend money to join you.
And believe me when I say that there are thousands of home
based business opportunities out there that have complete junk
products and you will waste tons of money if you do not research
before joining and spending. Ask yourself is the product
differentiated from other companies, how high is the demand for
the service or product, is anyone in that niche or opportunity
using the product or service and experiencing great results?
Ok so you have found a business service or product that
interests you, next is to look at who is behind the product
or service. The company who is running or managing the home
based business opportunity or the creator of the affiliate
marketing program is vital to your success. This is an important
step and often overlooked and can hurt you in the long run.
Back when I first started to work from home, I joined several
home business opportunities and did not do my research beforehand
and came back to hurt me. Find the answers to some common questions
like how bright does their future look? Financially solid and
backed? Are they helpful, active, and have a desire and passion
about their product or service? Do you feel as though they have
good ethics? Are they willing to work with and support their
home based business distributors? And something I have learned
over the years through various home based business opportunities,
is do they have a sense of excitement about their product or
service or are they just trying to make money. If you can answer
most of the questions above with a good feeling and positive
vibe, and are attracted to their product or service, then you
are on the right track for finding a good fit and work at home business
So we are on the right track to finding a good work from home
opportunity product or service and like what we see from the
company, now it is time to evaluate their marketing system.
Does the affiliate marketing or home based business program
have a system in place where I can excel and succeed with?
To elaborate, let's say you have the greatest company and
greatest product or service in the world, and is an all
around great business opportunity, does that mean your
guaranteed results and profits? No, of course not, you have
to have a marketing system in place that allows you and all
of your team members a chance to really hammer into the business
and begin promoting and advertising your opportunity.
The last key factor to look for in a work from home
business opportunity that will contribute to your
compensation plan! The two most important questions
you can ask yourself are How do I get paid and Will
I get paid accordingly for my efforts! Analyze their
compensation plan, dotheylooklike they are giving back to their
members? Do they have good incentatives and bonuses
for working hard? Do they allow for the new business
seekers quick money upfront getting them excited
and tuned into the business opportunity?
Just to summarize my four key factors for success with
any affiliate marketing program or home based business
opportunity, all of these are important and can ultimately
determine your success in your online money making
adventures. After putting the necessary time and effort
into researching and analyzing business opportunities,
it is now time to roll the dice and see how they play out.
Remember that you are not always going to be successful
from day one, and many people fail and lose money but if you
stick with it and play your cards right and roll the dice
good just once, this industry can be the most lucrative
business in the world and literally make more money than
professional athletes!
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Huh? 31.95% DON'T know what a "Squeeze Page" is?
Recently, James Grandstaff revealed something
that I found quite interesting...
If you've been around the IM (internet marketing) scene for awhile, you've most likely heard the term "squeeze page" before, right?
At least that's what I thought.
Well, James surveyed approx. 500 people on his list who are interested in making money online. Many stated they were interested in affiliate marketing, product creation, MLM, etc...
One of the questions was "Do you know what a
"Squeeze Page" is?"
68.05% answered yes and 31.95% answered NO.
To be honest...
I was shocked that 31.95% said no.
What about you?
In light of this shocking survey data I decided to
write this post today to go over the very basics
of what a squeeze page is and why you should
be using them in your business (if you are not
And for those of you who already use them, pay
attention. You will probably learn something too.
Here goes...
A squeeze page which is also known as a "lead
capture page" or "name squeeze page" is a simple
web page with one purpose; to get your visitor
to give you their name and email address so you
can follow-up with them. That's it.
One of the best ways to get someone to opt-in
to your squeeze page is by offering something
of high perceived value such as a mini ecourse
or a highly targeted eBook.
For example, let's say you are promoting a multi-
level marketing business opportunity. The products
are great and you are a raving fan.
Most people would just start promoting the website
the company supplies. I say no. This is a perfect
opportunity to implement the use of a squeeze page and offer something of value first.
That way, you collect the leads, you follow-up with
an introduction of yourself and begin building a
long lasting business relationship.
In sales, what we are really selling is "us" first,
then the product.
You always want to provide value first. Once your
prospects warm up to you, then it's time to ask the
right questions to determine if your product or
business opportunity can help solve their needs.
If you'd like to see a high quality, high converting
squeeze page that James has put together, you
can visit the link below.
It's important to read the "thank you" page on the
other side you can get an idea of how the whole
process works.
Check It Out Here
Until next time...
Yours in success,
that I found quite interesting...
If you've been around the IM (internet marketing) scene for awhile, you've most likely heard the term "squeeze page" before, right?
At least that's what I thought.
Well, James surveyed approx. 500 people on his list who are interested in making money online. Many stated they were interested in affiliate marketing, product creation, MLM, etc...
One of the questions was "Do you know what a
"Squeeze Page" is?"
68.05% answered yes and 31.95% answered NO.
To be honest...
I was shocked that 31.95% said no.
What about you?
In light of this shocking survey data I decided to
write this post today to go over the very basics
of what a squeeze page is and why you should
be using them in your business (if you are not
And for those of you who already use them, pay
attention. You will probably learn something too.
Here goes...
A squeeze page which is also known as a "lead
capture page" or "name squeeze page" is a simple
web page with one purpose; to get your visitor
to give you their name and email address so you
can follow-up with them. That's it.
One of the best ways to get someone to opt-in
to your squeeze page is by offering something
of high perceived value such as a mini ecourse
or a highly targeted eBook.
For example, let's say you are promoting a multi-
level marketing business opportunity. The products
are great and you are a raving fan.
Most people would just start promoting the website
the company supplies. I say no. This is a perfect
opportunity to implement the use of a squeeze page and offer something of value first.
That way, you collect the leads, you follow-up with
an introduction of yourself and begin building a
long lasting business relationship.
In sales, what we are really selling is "us" first,
then the product.
You always want to provide value first. Once your
prospects warm up to you, then it's time to ask the
right questions to determine if your product or
business opportunity can help solve their needs.
If you'd like to see a high quality, high converting
squeeze page that James has put together, you
can visit the link below.
It's important to read the "thank you" page on the
other side you can get an idea of how the whole
process works.
Check It Out Here
Until next time...
Yours in success,
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